SafeFleet User API
version 2.3
  1. Base Concepts
  2. Authentication
  3. SafeFleet Objects
  4. Available Endpoints
  5. Tables Of Constants
  6. Example
  1. Base Concepts
  2. This API is a RESTful API implemented using Django/Python technologies, everything being based on HTTP. A client for this service would perform a couple of simple HTTP requests to the server. The default SafeFleet API server address is, on TCP port 443 (HTTPS).
    The base path that the requests are made to has the following format:
    where version is an optional part of the path indicating a specific API version to be used and endpoint is one of the available endpoints.

    For details on available API versions and how to use them see API Versions.

    Values are transmitted in the request body and must be in JSON format. Don't forget to set the request content type to application/json.
    The actual response is given by the server in the body section. The format used is JSON, encoded using UTF-8 text and with a content type of application/json. In case of an error, the server returns a corresponding message. For example, when an object cannot be found the response body looks like this:
    {"message": "object not found: vehicle_id=128"},
    having a status code of 404 Not Found (see status codes for more details).
    All dates are UTC and are transmitted (from and to the server) in ISO 8601 format:

    All countries are transmitted as ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 capital two-letter country codes (e.g. FR for France).
    Phone numbers are always preceded by a + sign and must include the country prefix.

    These are the conventional units used for the various values throughout the API:

    The number of requests per second is limited on a per company basis. The following constraints are imposed: When any of these limits is exceeded, a 503 Service Unavailable status will be returned.
    Status Codes
    HTTP status codes are used to inform the client about the way the request was processed. Any errors that have been encountered while processing the request are signaled using these codes, as follows:
    API Versions
    In order to be able to improve the API while preserving backwards compatibility with existing clients, the SafeFleet API interface allows specifying a desired version in the URI.

    A complete version string has the following format: vX.Y (e.g. v1.1), where X is the major version and Y is the minor version. The current major version is 2. We only plan to change the major version when we redesign major parts of the API.

    Minor versions, however, change more often. Whenever we update the parameters or the response format of an endpoint, or whenever we rename or remove an endpoint, we'll update the minor version.

    This being said, if you want to always use the latest version and you're prepared to quickly adapt your code to our changes, just don't specify any version at all, e.g.:
    If you want to use the latest minor version of a specific major version, specify only the major version, e.g.:
    If you want to use a precise version because you don't plan to update your API client code too often, specify it entirely, e.g.:
  3. Authentication
  4. Three different authentication methods are accepted by the API. Choosing one or another depends strictly on the purpose of the API client.

    It is important to note that both of these authentication methods require an existent user in the system, and that the user can be configured to work with only one method, not with both.
    Session-based Authentication
    This is the most commonly used method and requires a pair of username and password values to be sent to the server once, at the beginning of the session. The user is identified by its unique username.

    The mechanism is based on a session id transmitted through an HTTP cookie named sessionid. More precisely, the server maintains a session for an authenticated user for a couple of days. If this session has expired, or just doesn't exist yet, the server will respond with a 403 Forbidden to any regular request, with an error message saying {"message": "authentication required"}.

    To open a new session, a call to a special authenticate endpoint must be requested. This endpoint takes the username and the password as parameters. The request must use the POST method.
    In case of successful authentication, the server responds with 200 OK and the content {"message": "ok"}. In case of unsuccessful authentication, 403 Forbidden is returned and the error message is {"message": "authentication failed"}.

    Upon successful authentication, the server normally responds directly with the content {"message": "ok"}, and offers the client the session id in a cookie. This session id must be included as a cookie with any further requests.
    If however, the user resides on a different server, the URL of this server is returned, and the client is required to change its base URL accordingly. This "soft" redirect actually indicates that the user, together with the whole customer data reside on a different server (also called instance), and points the API client to that instance's URL. Here's an example of such an answer:
    {"url": ""}
    The redirect was implemented to allow starting with a single common URL as an entry point for anyone using the SafeFleet API, regardless of the server on which the user is stored. The API client should be written in such a way that it is aware of this case.

    Note: once you found out your final URL, you can use it directly from the beginning of your authentication flow, thus avoiding the extra "soft" redirect step.

    For users with 2FA enabled, an additional authentication step is necessary to send the 2FA code. After the first authentication call on the final instance, 403 Forbidden is returned with the content set to {"message": "2fa code required"}. In this case, the client must re-issue the authentication request, including the 2FA code (along with username and password).

    Client ID-based Authentication
    This authentication mechanism should be used when there is only one user that the API client works with, and this user never changes. The user is in fact associated to the API client and thus uniquely identifies the client on the server. Hence the parameter called client_id which is used instead of a username or a sessionid.

    Moreover, there is no session and the authentication information has to be transmitted with every request. This is not a security issue thanks to the use of a signature which is based on a shared secret and the timestamp of the request. The secret is never transmitted between the server and the client. The signature is computed using the following formula:
    signature = sha1(secret + timestamp),
    where the secret and the timestamp (in seconds since Epoch) are concatenated as strings, and the signature itself is expressed as string, in lowercase hex digits.

    Now the following three parameters have to be sent with each request, in addition to the parameters that are normally required by the endpoint: A time skew of at most ±5 minutes is accepted between the client and the server's timestamps.

    JWT-based Authentication
    To use JWT Authentication the user must obtain two tokens, one access token and one refresh token. This is done by sending a POST request to the /authenticate/jwt/login endpoint. The request must have in the body a json with the keys (and the correct values) "username" and "password". Optional, for testing purposes, the json can also have the key(s) "access_token_seconds_duration" and/or "refresh_token_seconds_duration". Those keys will specify the duration of each token, but the duration must be shorter than the default duration. If the credentials are valid, the user will get a response with a json with the keys "access_token", "refresh_token" and "message" (value of the message will be "ok") If the credentials are invalid or something is missing/wrong, the response will have ony the "message" key, explaining what went wrong.

    After this, assuming that the credentials were valid, the user is authenticated and will need to use the tokens for any request. Each request needs to have in headers the key "Authorization" and the value of the key set to "Bearer access_token" (where access_token is the value of the access token)

    Because the access token is short lived, after a while a request will fail with the response {"message": "authentication required"}. When this happens, a new request must be used to the endpoint /authenticate/jwt/refresh_token The body of this request should have a json with the keys (and values) "access_token", "refresh_token". Similar to the login endpoint, for testing purposes, the json can also have the key(s) "access_token_seconds_duration" and/or "refresh_token_seconds_duration". Those keys are optional and they will specify the duration of each token, but the duration must be shorter than the default duration. The response (assuming that everything is correct) will be a json with a new set of tokens (access and refresh) and the message "ok". If the access token is not expired the endpoint the "new" set will be identical to the set provided in the json, but this should occur only when the endpoint is not used from frontend, in "real life" the end user should never be in this situation. If there's a problem, the response will have only the "message" key (explaining, hopefully, the problem).

    If the user wants to invalidate the tokens he needs to logout, by sending a request to the enpoint /authenticate/jwt/logout. Similar to all the requests (except login), the body of the request will need to contain the access and refresh tokens. If they are correct, the server will return status 204 (no content), otherwise a message with what went wrong.

  5. SafeFleet Objects
  6. The information maintained by the SafeFleet system is structured in a hierarchy of objects, as shown in the following figure:

    The SafeFleet objects and their relations

    The system manages a number of companies, each company having one or more fleets. These fleets may have other subfleets of their own, thus creating a tree structure of fleets with as many levels as necessary. At any level (i.e. under any fleet), different types of objects can be found. As depicted in the diagram, these objects may be users, vehicles, drivers, points of interest (POIs), regions of interest (ROIs), tracks or navigation jobs.
    An instance represents in fact a server that runs our SafeFleet application stack. The architecture of the system is divided into multiple instances to facilitate scaling and to accommodate the different types and sizes of customers.

    Customer's data is stored entirely on one single instance (that is, not scattered across multiple servers). The developer using this API must take this into account and not hardcode the base URL (or IP address for that matter) of a certain instance, but rather use the authenticate method on the single common entry point and follow the "soft" redirects, as described in authentication.

    Companies are objects that group all the information of a SafeFleet customer. A company has the following fields:
    A fleet represents a subdivision (a department) of a company. Two types of fleets are distinguished:

    A fleet has the following fields:
    Vehicles are probably the most important pieces of the SafeFleet system. Vehicles make journeys delimited by a start point and a stop point. They send so-called presences to the server. These presences include the position, the speed and the azimuth of the vehicle at specific moments, and are used to reconstruct the trajectory.

    Vehicles generate events that are stored on the server and can be used to tell the behaviour of the driver, to identify problems with the vehicle's device or to simply keep an eye on the vehicle.

    Vehicles can also generate contact records whenever one of their configured digital inputs (such as door contacts) change state.

    Vehicles equipped with temperature sensors generate temperature records.

    Each vehicle has a list of attributes (such as engine displacement or insurance expiry date).

    Fuelings can be imported into our system and associated to their corresponding vehicles.

    Vehicles can have associated documents that usually correspond to a period of activity (such as journeys).

    Tickets are used to keep track of various issues regarding each vehicle.

    All these are shown in the following diagram:

    Objects related to a vehicle

    A vehicle has the following fields:

    Apart from these static fields, each vehicle has the following fields that change often, called the current information:
    Each user has one of the five defined levels of access:

    Users can receive notifications when vehicles generate events or when attributes of type date expire.

    A user has the following fields: Users have a set of notification preferences that control the various notifications they receive.
    Drivers are authenticated by the system using special keys individually assigned to each driver. A vehicle can be driven by only one driver at a certain moment. However it can have a secondary driver, waiting to take over the wheel.

    A driver has the following fields:

    Each driver has a list of attributes used to store additional data.

    Apart from these static fields, a driver may expose details about the tachograph information, in a field called tacho:
    Driver Groups
    Drivers are grouped into driver droups. A driver can belong to zero, one or multiple groups.

    A driver group has the following fields:
    Points Of Interest
    Each fleet has points of interest (POIs). A POI is a pair of (latitude, longitude) with a certain tolerance (delta) around this central point. POIs are in fact small rectangles used to easily identify and name places on map.

    A POI has the following fields:
    Regions Of Interest
    Each fleet has regions of interest (ROIs). A ROI is a collection of pairs of (latitude, longitude). ROIs are in fact polygons which define a geographical area. They are used for area-related reports and geofence notifications.

    A ROI has the following fields:
    Tracks are used to compare the actual trajectory of a vehicle with an imposed one. A track is basically a set of successive points. The points that make up a track can be points of interest as well as way points (arbitrary points).

    A track has the following fields: A navigation job is basically a task given to the driver to be used on the navigation device attached to the vehicle. The destination of a job can be either a random address or a point of interest. Jobs are managed using state machines. For more information on the available states see navigation job states and navigation vehicle states.

    A navigation job has the following fields:
    Carpool Reservations
    A carpool reservation represents the act of booking a certain vehicle by a certain user for a given period of time. Carpool reservations may not overlap but can be cancelled. A log of all the reservations made (or cancelled) for each vehicle is kept by the system.

    A carpool reservation has the following fields:
    Presences represent the positions and all the information that is sampled, recorded and transmitted by a vehicle in time. Presences are used to recreate the trajectory of a vehicle in a specified interval of time.

    A presence has the following fields:
    A journey is delimited by the moment when the engine starts and the moment when it stops.

    A journey has the following fields:
    Events are generated by vehicles and represent important facts that occurred during journeys (or outside journeys, for that matter). Events are used to tell the behaviour of the drivers, to identify problems with the vehicle's device or to simply keep an eye on the vehicle.

    An event has the following fields:
    Contact records are generated by vehicles when the state of one of their configured digital inputs changes. Each input has an identifier that helps associating it with a certain function (such as a door contact). There is a list of predefined input ids, but the actual id of the input may have any other integer value.

    A contact record has the following fields:
    Temperature records are generated by vehicles equipped with temperature sensors. Up to 4 temperature sensors can be attached to each vehicle.

    A temperature record has the following fields:
    Attributes store additional information about vehicles and other objects, such as technical specifications or insurance expiry dates. Custom attributes can be defined by the user, aside from the common ones that are available by default.

    An attribute has the following fields:
    A fueling has the following fields:
    A document has the following fields:
    A ticket has the following fields: A temporary link has the following fields:
  7. Available Endpoints
  8. Function parameters whose names are written in italics are optional.
    Parameters that are separated by a pipe character "|" are mutually exclusive.

    The returned values are documented for the successful case, when the status is 200 OK. Whenever an error occurs, the response is as documented in status codes.

    POST /authenticate
    This function is used to authenticate the client with the server and obtain the sessionid. The supplied username must exist on the server.
    the login username
    the login password
    the 2FA code
    noteadditional fields may be returned in the response
    returns‣ the message "ok", if the user resides on this instance
    {"message": String}
    ‣ the error message "2fa code required" if 2FA is enabled and code is to be sent
    { "message": String, "phone_hint": String }
    ‣ the instance's URL, if the user resides on another instance
    {"url": String}
    POST /authenticate_vehicle
    This function is similar to authenticate but intended for vehicles rather than users. It can be used instead of authenticate if a vehicle's PIN and license plate are known, to perform API requests on vehicle's behalf. Driver PIN can and should be used instead of vehicle PIN, if driver phone is supplied.
    vehicle's license plate (any format is fine)
    vehicle PIN
    driver_phonedriver's phone (may be required, depending on company setting)
    returns‣ the vehicle details, if the vehicle resides on this instance; driver details are also returned if driver_phone is supplied and a corresponding driver is found
    { "vehicle": { "vehicle_id": Number, "name": String, "license_plate": String, "vin": String, "maker": String, "model": String, "year_of_manufacture": Number, "identification_card": String, "type": Number, /* see vehicle types */ "default_driver": String, "default_driver_phone": String, "tracked": Boolean }, "driver": { "driver_id": Number, "name": String, "email": String, "phone": String, "personal_identification": String, "key_code": String, "driver_code": String, "active": Boolean } }
    ‣ the vehicle instance URL, if the vehicle resides on another instance
    {"url": String}
    POST /authenticate_driver
    This function is similar to authenticate but intended for drivers rather than users. It can be used instead of authenticate if a driver's PIN and phone number are known, to perform API requests on driver's behalf.
    driver's phone number
    driver's PIN
    returns‣ the driver details, if the driver resides on this instance
    { "driver": { "driver_id": Number, "name": String, "email": String, "phone": String, "personal_identification": String, "key_code": String, "driver_code": String, "active": Boolean } }
    ‣ the driver instance URL, if the driver resides on another instance
    {"url": String}
    POST authenticate/jwt/vehicle/refresh_token
    This function is used to obtain a new access token for jwt vehicle authentication, after the old one expires
    old access token
    the current refresh token
    access_token_seconds_durationaccess token duration in seconds, for frontend testing
    refresh token duration in seconds, for frontend testing
    returns‣ the message "ok", and a new set of tokens (access and refresh) if the refresh token is valid
    { "message": "ok", "access_token": String, "refresh_token": String }
    ‣ a message explaining what went wrong if a param is missing or incorrect
    { "message": String }
    POST authenticate/jwt/driver/refresh_token
    This function is used to obtain a new access token for jwt driver authentication, after the old one expires
    old access token
    the current refresh token
    access_token_seconds_durationaccess token duration in seconds, for frontend testing
    refresh token duration in seconds, for frontend testing
    returns‣ the message "ok", and a new set of tokens (access and refresh) if the refresh token is valid
    { "message": "ok", "access_token": String, "refresh_token": String }
    ‣ a message explaining what went wrong if a param is missing or incorrect
    { "message": String }
    POST /authenticate/jwt/vehicle
    This function is almost identical to authenticate_vehicle but it will give a pair of JWTs, an access token and a refresh token instead of a session id. It can be used instead of authenticate if a vehicle's PIN and license plate are known, to perform API requests on vehicle's behalf. Driver PIN can and should be used instead of vehicle PIN, if driver phone is supplied.
    vehicle's license plate (any format is fine)
    vehicle PIN
    driver_phonedriver's phone (may be required, depending on company setting)
    returns‣ an access token and a refresh token, the vehicle details, if the vehicle resides on this instance; driver details are also returned if driver_phone is supplied and a corresponding driver is found
    { "message": ok, "access_token": String, "refresh_token": String, "vehicle": { "vehicle_id": Number, "name": String, "license_plate": String, "vin": String, "maker": String, "model": String, "year_of_manufacture": Number, "identification_card": String, "type": Number, /* see vehicle types */ "default_driver": String, "default_driver_phone": String, "tracked": Boolean }, "driver": { "driver_id": Number, "name": String, "email": String, "phone": String, "personal_identification": String, "key_code": String, "driver_code": String, "active": Boolean } }
    ‣ the vehicle instance URL, if the vehicle resides on another instance
    {"url": String}
    POST /authenticate/jwt/logout
    This function is used to revoke (invalidate) the current set of tokens (access and refresh)
    the access token
    the refresh token
    returns‣ no content, status 204, if the access and refresh tokens are correct
    ‣ a message explaining what went wrong if a param is missing or incorrect
    { "message": String }
    POST /authenticate/jwt/driver
    This function is almost identical to authenticate_driver but it will give a pair of JWTs, an access token and a refresh token instead of a session id. It can be used instead of authenticate if a driver's PIN and phone number are known, to perform API requests on driver's behalf.
    driver's phone number
    driver's PIN
    returns‣ the driver details, if the driver resides on this instance
    { "driver": { "driver_id": Number, "name": String, "email": String, "phone": String, "personal_identification": String, "key_code": String, "driver_code": String, "active": Boolean } }
    ‣ the driver instance URL, if the driver resides on another instance
    {"url": String}
    POST /authenticate/jwt/refresh_token
    This function is used to obtain a new access token, after the old one expires
    old access token
    the current refresh token
    access_token_seconds_durationaccess token duration in seconds, for frontend testing
    refresh token duration in seconds, for frontend testing
    returns‣ the message "ok", and a new set of tokens (access and refresh) if the refresh token is valid
    { "message": "ok", "access_token": String, "refresh_token": String }
    ‣ a message explaining what went wrong if a param is missing or incorrect
    { "message": String }
    POST /authenticate/jwt/login
    This function is used to authenticate the client with the server and obtain the access token and the refresh token.
    the login username
    the login password
    access_token_seconds_durationaccess token duration in seconds, for frontend testing
    refresh token duration in seconds, for frontend testing
    returns‣ the message "ok", and the tokens (access and refresh) if the credentials provided (username and password) are correct
    { "message": "ok", "access_token": String, "refresh_token": String }
    ‣ a message explaining what went wrong if a param is missing or incorrect
    { "message": String }
    GET /companies
    This function returns a list of all the companies present on the current instance.
    requiresat least SafeFleet administrator user level
    returnsthe list of companies
    [ { "company_id": Number, "name": String, "address": { "country": String, "county": String, "city": String, "street": String, "number": String, "postal_code": String, "phone": String, "email": String }, "vat_number": String, "type": String, "activity_type": String, "login_allowed": Boolean, "web_access": Boolean, "api_access": Boolean, "agent_id": Number }, ... ]
    POST /companies
    This function adds a new company. It also creates a root fleet for the new company.
    address{ "country": String, "county": String, "city": String, "street": String, "number": String, "postal_code": String, "phone": String, "email": String },
    seecompanies, fleets
    requiresat least SafeFleet administrator user level
    returnsthe ids of the new company and root fleet
    {"company_id": Number, "fleet_id": Number}
    GET /companies/{company_id}
    This function returns detailed information about a company.
    company_idthe id of the desired company, or "mine" for the current user's company
    requiresat least company administrator user level
    returns{ "company_id": Number, "name": String, "address": { "country": String, "county": String, "city": String, "street": String, "number": String, "postal_code": String, "phone": String, "email": String }, "vat_number": String, "type": String, "activity_type": String, "login_allowed": Boolean, "web_access": Boolean, "api_access": Boolean, "agent_id": Number }
    PATCH /companies/{company_id}
    This function updates the information of a company. Only safefleet administrators are allowed to update other companies.
    company_idthe id of the desired company, or "mine" for the current user's company
    address{ "country": String, "county": String, "city": String, "street": String, "number": String, "postal_code": String, "phone": String, "email": String }
    requiresat least company administrator user level
    DELETE /companies/{company_id}
    This function deletes a company.
    company_idthe id of the desired company
    requiresat least SafeFleet administrator user level
    notethis function recursively and permanently deletes all the objects related to this company
    GET /companies/{company_id}/functionalities
    This function returns all the functionalities of a company, along with their current status.
    company_idthe id of the desired company
    requiresat least SafeFleet administrator user level
    returnsthe list of functionalities
    { "flavour": String, "func1": { "title": String, "category": String, "choices": [ { "name": String, "value": any }, ... ], "value": any }, ... }
    PATCH /companies/{company_id}/functionalities
    This function modifies the functionalities of a company.
    company_idthe id of the desired company
    the name of the flavour to use as functionality preset
    the name of a functionality to be changed
    requiresat least SafeFleet administrator user level
    note‣ more functionalities can be modified with one request, by specifying them as parameters
    ‣ specifying a flavour as well as separate functionalities will result in a set of functionalities defaulting to the flavour but updated with supplied functionalities
    GET /companies/{company_id}/structure
    This function returns the hierarchical structure of a company. Optionally, vehicles, users and other related objects can be included in the result.
    company_idthe id of the desired company, or "mine" for the current user's company
    include_vehiclesset this to true to include vehicle ids in the result
    include_usersset this to true to include user ids in the result
    include_driversset this to true to include driver ids in the result
    include_poisset this to true to include point of interest ids in the result
    include_roisset this to true to include region of interest ids in the result
    include_tracksset this to true to include track ids in the result
    requiresat least company administrator user level
    returnsthe hierarchical structure of the company
    { "company_id": Number, "name": String, "fleets": [ { "fleet_id": Number, "name": String, "fleets": [...], "vehicle_ids": [Number], "user_ids": [Number], "driver_ids": [Number], "poi_ids": [Number], "roi_ids": [Number], "track_ids": [Number] }, ... ] }
    GET /companies/{company_id}/fleets
    This function returns a list of the root fleets corresponding to a given company.
    company_idthe id of the desired company, or "mine" for the current user's company
    requiresat least department administrator user level
    returnsthe list of fleets
    [ { "fleet_id": Number, "name": String, "lat": Number, "lng": Number, "address": { "country": String, "county": String, "city": String, "street": String, "number": String, "postal_code": String, "phone": String, "email": String } }, ... ]
    POST /companies/{company_id}/fleets
    This function adds a root fleet to a company.
    company_idthe id of the desired company, or "mine" for the current user's company
    address{ "country": String, "county": String, "city": String, "street": String, "number": String, "postal_code": String, "phone": String, "email": String }
    requiresat least company administrator user level
    returnsthe id of the new fleet
    {"fleet_id": Number}
    GET /fleets
    This function returns a list of the root fleets accessible to the current user.
    requiresat least department administrator user level
    returnsthe list of fleets
    [ { "fleet_id": Number, "name": String, "lat": Number, "lng": Number, "address": { "country": String, "county": String, "city": String, "street": String, "number": String, "postal_code": String, "phone": String, "email": String } }, ... ]
    GET /fleets/{fleet_id}/fleets
    This function returns a list of the subfleets corresponding to a fleet.
    fleet_idthe id of the desired fleet, or "mine" for the current user's fleet
    requiresat least department administrator user level
    returnsthe list of fleets
    [ { "fleet_id": Number, "name": String, "lat": Number, "lng": Number, "address": { "country": String, "county": String, "city": String, "street": String, "number": String, "postal_code": String, "phone": String, "email": String } }, ... ]
    POST /fleets/{fleet_id}/fleets
    This function adds a subfleet to a fleet.
    fleet_idthe id of the desired fleet, or "mine" for the current user's fleet
    address{ "country": String, "county": String, "city": String, "street": String, "number": String, "postal_code": String, "phone": String, "email": String }
    requiresat least company administrator user level
    returnsthe id of the new fleet
    {"fleet_id": Number}
    GET /fleets/{fleet_id}
    This function returns detailed information about a fleet.
    fleet_idthe id of the desired fleet, or "mine" for the current user's fleet
    requiresat least department administrator user level
    returns{ "fleet_id": Number, "name": String, "lat": Number, "lng": Number, "address": { "country": String, "county": String, "city": String, "street": String, "number": String, "postal_code": String, "phone": String, "email": String } }
    PATCH /fleets/{fleet_id}
    This function updates the information of a fleet. Company administrators are allowed to update any fleet belonging to their company.
    fleet_idthe id of the desired fleet, or "mine" for the current user's fleet
    address{ "country": String, "county": String, "city": String, "street": String, "number": String, "postal_code": String, "phone": String, "email": String }
    requiresat least department administrator user level
    DELETE /fleets/{fleet_id}
    This function deletes a fleet.
    fleet_idthe id of the desired fleet
    requiresat least company administrator user level
    notethis function recursively and permanently deletes all the objects related to this fleet
    GET /fleets/{fleet_id}/vehicles
    This function returns a list of the vehicles corresponding to a given fleet.
    fleet_idthe id of the desired fleet, or "mine" for the current user's fleet
    returnsthe list of vehicles
    [ { "vehicle_id": Number, "name": String, "license_plate": String, "vin": String, "maker": String, "model": String, "year_of_manufacture": Number, "identification_card": String, "type": Number, /* see vehicle types */ "working_schedule": { "mon": { "from_hour": Number, "from_minute": Number, "to_hour": Number, "to_minute": Number }, ..., "sun": { "from_hour": Number, "from_minute": Number, "to_hour": Number, "to_minute": Number } }, "map_prefs": { "color": String, /* see vehicle colors */, "size": String, /* see vehicle sizes */ }, "default_driver": String, "default_driver_phone": String, "tracked": Boolean, "device_serial_number": String, "current_info": { "lat": Number, "lng": Number, "speed": Number, "moment": String, "last_sync": String, "azimuth": Number, "driver_id": Number, "satellites": Number, "pdop": Number, "status": Number, /* see vehicle statuses */ "engine_since": String, "navig_state": Number, /* see navigation vehicle states */ "battery_soc": Number, "vrob": Number, "charging_cable_connected": Boolean, "battery_charging": Boolean, "fuel_level": Number, "total_fuel_used": Number, "purpose": String, "journey_code": String, "contacts": { input_id: Number, /* see input ids */ ... }, "temperatures": { "1": Number, "2": Number, "3": Number, "4": Number } } }, ... ]
    POST /fleets/{fleet_id}/vehicles
    This function adds a new vehicle to a fleet
    fleet_idthe id of the desired fleet, or "mine" for the current user's fleet
    typeNumber /* see vehicle types */
    map_prefs{ "color": String, /* see vehicle map colors */ "size": String /* see vehicle types */ }
    working_schedule{ "mon": { "from_hour": Number, "from_minute": Number, "to_hour": Number, "to_minute": Number }, ..., "sun": { "from_hour": Number, 'from_minute": Number, 'to_hour": Number, "to_minute": Number } }
    returnsthe id of the new vehicle
    {"vehicle_id": Number}
    GET /fleets/{fleet_id}/vehicles/journeys
    This function returns the journeys of all the vehicles corresponding to a given fleet that started or ended within a specified period of time. If no start_moment or no stop_moment is given, the function returns the last journey of each vehicle.
    fleet_idthe id of the desired fleet, or "mine" for the current user's fleet
    defines the beginning of the desired period of time
    defines the end of the desired period of time
    if given, will filter out journeys with a distance less than this value (in kilometers)
    if given, will filter out journeys with a duration less than this value (in seconds)
    requirestracked vehicles
    note‣ the interval of time must be less than a month
    ‣ when requesting the last journey, the min_distance and min_duration filters are ignored
    ‣ when requesting the last journey, if the journey is in progress, the fields stop, distance, idle_duration, max_speed and consumption will be null
    returnsthe list of journeys for each vehicle
    [ { "vehicle_id": String, "journeys": [ { "journey_id": String, "start": { "moment": String, "lat": Number, "lng": Number }, "stop": { "moment": String, "lat": Number, "lng": Number }, "distance": Number, "idle_duration": Number, "consumption": { "value": Number, "measured": Boolean }, "max_speed": Number, "driver_id": Number, "purpose": String, "journey_code": String }, ... ] }, ... ]
    GET /fleets/{fleet_id}/vehicles/attributes
    This function returns the attributes of all the vehicles corresponding to a given fleet.
    fleet_idthe id of the desired fleet, or "mine" for the current user's fleet
    returnsthe list of attributes for each vehicle
    [ { "vehicle_id": String, "attributes": [ { "name": String, "slug": String, "type": Number, /* see attribute types */ "value": Number|Boolean|String }, ... ] }, ... ]
    GET /fleets/{fleet_id}/vehicles/fuelings
    This function returns the fuelings of all the vehicles corresponding to a given fleet, within a given period of time.
    fleet_idthe id of the desired fleet, or "mine" for the current user's fleet
    defines the beginning of the desired period of time
    defines the end of the desired period of time
    returnsthe list of fuelings for each vehicle
    [ { "vehicle_id": String, "fuelings": [ { "moment": String, "quantity": Number, "price": Number, "type": Number, /* see fuel types */ "provider": String, "odometer": Number, "station": String, "card": String, "remark": String }, ... ] }, ... ]
    GET /fleets/{fleet_id}/vehicles/odometers
    This function returns the odometers of all the vehicles corresponding to a given fleet, at a certain moment. Odometers can be computed using values from two sources: device (FMS) and dashboard reading.
    fleet_idthe id of the desired fleet, or "mine" for the current user's fleet
    the desired moment (defaults to now if not supplied)
    returnsthe odometer for each vehicle
    [ { "vehicle_id": String, "odometer": Number, "source": String /* "device", "readings" or null */ }, ... ]
    GET /vehicles
    This function returns a list of all vehicles accessible to the current user.
    returnsthe list of vehicles
    [ { "vehicle_id": Number, "name": String, "license_plate": String, "vin": String, "maker": String, "model": String, "year_of_manufacture": Number, "identification_card": String, "type": Number, /* see vehicle types */ "working_schedule": { "mon": { "from_hour": Number, "from_minute": Number, "to_hour": Number, "to_minute": Number }, ..., "sun": { "from_hour": Number, "from_minute": Number, "to_hour": Number, "to_minute": Number } }, "map_prefs": { "color": String, /* see vehicle colors */, "size": String, /* see vehicle sizes */ }, "default_driver": String, "default_driver_phone": String, "tracked": Boolean, "device_serial_number": String, "current_info": { "lat": Number, "lng": Number, "speed": Number, "moment": String, "last_sync": String, "azimuth": Number, "driver_id": Number, "satellites": Number, "pdop": Number, "status": Number, /* see vehicle statuses */ "engine_since": String, "navig_state": Number, /* see navigation vehicle states */ "battery_soc": Number, "vrob": Number, "charging_cable_connected": Boolean, "battery_charging": Boolean, "fuel_level": Number, "total_fuel_used": Number, "purpose": String, "journey_code": String, "contacts": { input_id: Number, /* see input ids */ ... }, "temperatures": { "1": Number, "2": Number, "3": Number, "4": Number } } }, ... ]
    GET /vehicles/{vehicle_id}
    This function returns detailed information about a vehicle.
    vehicle_idthe id of the desired vehicle
    returns{ "name": String, "license_plate": String, "vin": String, "maker": String, "model": String, "year_of_manufacture": Number, "identification_card": String, "type": Number, /* see vehicle types */ "working_schedule": { "mon": { "from_hour": Number, "from_minute": Number, "to_hour": Number, "to_minute": Number }, ..., "sun": { "from_hour": Number, "from_minute": Number, "to_hour": Number, "to_minute": Number } }, "map_prefs": { "color": String, /* see vehicle colors */, "size": String, /* see vehicle sizes */ }, "default_driver": String, "default_driver_phone": String, "tracked": Boolean, "device_serial_number": String, "current_info": { "lat": Number, "lng": Number, "speed": Number, "moment": String, "last_sync": String, "azimuth": Number, "driver_id": Number, "satellites": Number, "pdop": Number, "status": Number, /* see vehicle statuses */ "engine_since": String, "navig_state": Number, /* see navigation vehicle states */ "battery_soc": Number, "battery_voltage": Number, "vrob": Number, "charging_cable_connected": Boolean, "battery_charging": Boolean, "fuel_level": Number, "total_fuel_used": Number, "purpose": String, "journey_code": String, "contacts": { input_id: Number, /* see input ids */ ... }, "axle_weight": Number, "axle_weights": [Number, Number, ...], "accel_pedal": Number, "temperatures": { "1": Number, "2": Number, "3": Number, "4": Number } } }
    PATCH /vehicles/{vehicle_id}
    This function updates the information of a vehicle.
    typeNumber /* see vehicle types */
    map_prefs{ "color": String, /* see vehicle map colors */ "size": String /* see vehicle types */ }
    working_schedule{ "mon": { "from_hour": Number, "from_minute": Number, "to_hour": Number, "to_minute": Number }, ..., "sun": { "from_hour": Number, 'from_minute": Number, 'to_hour": Number, "to_minute": Number } }
    DELETE /vehicles/{vehicle_id}
    This function deletes a vehicle.
    GET /vehicles/{vehicle_id}/odometer
    This function returns the odometer of a vehicle at a certain moment. Odometers can be computed using values from two sources: device (FMS) and dashboard reading.
    vehicle_idthe id of the desired vehicle
    the desired moment (defaults to now if not supplied)
    requirestracked vehicles
    noteodometers that are not available will be returned as null
    returns{ "odometer": Number, "source": String /* "device", "readings" or null */ }
    POST /vehicles/{vehicle_id}/odometers
    This function adds a new odometer reading for a vehicle.
    vehicle_idthe id of the desired vehicle
    the value of the odometer
    the moment at which the odometer was recorded
    GET /vehicles/{vehicle_id}/presences
    This function returns the presences of a vehicle that were received within a specified period of time.
    vehicle_idthe id of the desired vehicle
    defines the beginning of the desired period of time
    defines the end of the desired period of time
    set to plot to return a set of filtered presences optimized for plotting on a map
    min distance between two successive presences, expressed as percent from total distance (defaults to 0.01, i.e. 1%)
    min angle between two successive presences, expressed as sexagesimal degrees (defaults to 10)
    requirestracked vehicles
    notethe interval of time must be less than a week
    returns[ { "presence_id": String, "moment": String, "lat": Number, "lng": Number, "speed": Number, "azimuth": Number, "engine": Boolean }, ... ]
    POST /vehicles/{vehicle_id}/presences
    This function adds a presence (a tracking data record) for a vehicle. Most of the parameters are optional. It is recommended however to supply as many parameters as are available at the moment of the call.
    vehicle_idthe id of the desired vehicle
    the moment of the presence
    tells whether the information is current or from the past (defaults to true)
    the journey (ignition) status
    the latitude
    the longitude
    the speed (in km/h)
    the azimuth (degrees, from 0 to 360)
    the authenticated driver key
    a relative odometer used to determine travelled distance (in meters)
    the absolute (dashboard) odometer (in meters)
    the journey purpose
    optional journey code
    the idling time during current journey (in seconds)
    the type of an event (see event types)
    the duration of the event (in seconds)
    the id of an input (see input ids)
    the value of the input
    the current fuel level (the unit and scale depends on the vehicle configuration)
    the total fuel used (in liters)
    the engine RPM
    the value of the first temperature sensor (in degrees Celsius)
    the value of the second temperature sensor (in degrees Celsius)
    the value of the third temperature sensor (in degrees Celsius)
    the value of the fourth temperature sensor (in degrees Celsius)
    auto_posif set to true, position fields (lat, lng and azimuth) will be automatically filled in using last known values, if not supplied
    requirestracked vehicles
    GET /vehicles/{vehicle_id}/journeys
    This function returns the journeys of a vehicle that started or ended within a specified period of time. If no start_moment or no stop_moment is given, the function returns the last journey of the vehicle.
    vehicle_idthe id of the desired vehicle
    defines the beginning of the desired period of time
    defines the end of the desired period of time
    if given, will filter out journeys with a distance less than this value (in kilometers)
    if given, will filter out journeys with a duration less than this value (in seconds)
    requirestracked vehicles
    note‣ the interval of time must be less than a year
    ‣ when requesting the last journey, the min_distance and min_duration filters are ignored
    ‣ when requesting the last journey, if the journey is in progress, the fields stop, distance, idle_duration, max_speed and consumption will be null
    returns[ { "vehicle_id": Number, "journey_id": String, "start": { "moment": String, "lat": Number, "lng": Number }, "stop": { "moment": String, "lat": Number, "lng": Number }, "distance": Number, "idle_duration": Number, "consumption": { "value": Number, "measured": Boolean }, "max_speed": Number, "driver_id": Number, "purpose": String, "journey_code": String }, ... ]
    PATCH /vehicles/{vehicle_id}/journeys/{journey_id}
    This function updates a journey.
    vehicle_idthe id of the desired vehicle
    the id of the desired journey
    the new journey code
    GET /vehicles/{vehicle_id}/events
    This function returns the events of a vehicle that occurred within a specified period of time.
    vehicle_idthe id of the desired vehicle
    defines the beginning of the desired period of time
    defines the end of the desired period of time
    if given, will return only the events of this type (see event types)
    requirestracked vehicles
    notethe interval of time must be less than a year
    returns[ { "event_id": String, "moment": String, "lat": Number, "lng": Number, "type": String, /* see event types */ "driver_id": Number, "track_id": Number, "roi_id": Number }, ... ]
    GET /vehicles/{vehicle_id}/contacts
    This function returns the contact records of a vehicle that occurred within a specified period of time.
    vehicle_idthe id of the desired vehicle
    defines the beginning of the desired period of time
    defines the end of the desired period of time
    input_idif given, will return only the records having this input id (see input ids)
    requirestracked vehicles
    notethe interval of time must be less than a year
    returns[ { "contact_id": String, "moment": String, "input_id": Number, /* see input ids */ "input_value": Number, "lat": Number, "lng": Number }, ... ]
    GET /vehicles/{vehicle_id}/attributes
    This function returns the attributes of a vehicle.
    vehicle_idthe id of the desired vehicle
    returns[ { "slug": String, "name": String, "type": Number, /* see attribute types */ "value": Number|Boolean|String }, ... ]
    PATCH /vehicles/{vehicle_id}/attributes
    This function sets the values of one or more vehicle attributes.
    vehicle_idthe id of the desired vehicle
    {body}[ { "slug": String, "value": Number
    String }, ... ]
    PATCH /vehicles/{vehicle_id}/attributes/{slug}
    This function sets the value of a vehicle attribute.
    vehicle_idthe id of the desired vehicle
    the slug (simplified name) of the attribute
    the new value of the attribute
    GET /vehicles/{vehicle_id}/fuelings
    This function returns the fuelings of a vehicle that were done within a specified period of time.
    vehicle_idthe id of the desired vehicle
    defines the beginning of the desired period of time
    defines the end of the desired period of time
    notethe interval of time must be less than a year
    returns[ { "fueling_id": String, "moment": String, "quantity": Number, "price": Number, "type": Number, /* see fuel types */ "provider": String, "odometer": Number, "station": String, "card": String, "remark": String }, ... ]
    POST /vehicles/{vehicle_id}/fuelings
    This function adds one or more fuelings of a vehicle to the system.
    vehicle_idthe id of the desired vehicle
    fuelings[ { "moment": String, "quantity": Number, "price": Number, "type": Number, /* see fuel types */ "provider": String, /*optional */ "odometer": Number, /*optional */ "station": String, /*optional */ "card": String, /*optional */ "remark": String /*optional */ }, ... ]
    a list of fuelings
    returnsthe indexes of duplicate fuelings, if any
    {"duplicate_indexes": [Number]}
    GET /vehicles/{vehicle_id}/device_settings
    This function returns the available device settings of a vehicle (not including their values).
    vehicle_idthe id of the desired vehicle
    seedevice settings
    requirestracked vehicles
    returns{ : { "pretty": String, "type": "int"|"bool"|"str"|"choices", "unit": String, "min": Number, "max": Number, "choices": [ {"value": Number, "pretty": String}, ... ] }, ... }
    GET /vehicles/{vehicle_id}/device_settings/{name}
    This function queries the vehicle's device for a given setting and returns the corresponding value. Not all settings are exposed by all vehicles.
    vehicle_idthe id of the desired vehicle
    the name of the device setting
    seedevice settings
    requirestracked vehicles
    returns‣ the current value of the setting, if everything goes well
    {"value": any}
    ‣ a message set to whatever error has occurred, if any
    {"message": String}
    PATCH /vehicles/{vehicle_id}/device_settings/{name}
    This function updates a vehicle's device setting.
    vehicle_idthe id of the desired vehicle
    the name of the device setting
    the new value for the device setting
    seedevice settings
    requirestracked vehicles
    returnsa message set to whatever error has occurred, if any
    {"message": String}
    GET /vehicles/{vehicle_id}/tolling
    This function returns the current status of the tolling services associated to this vehicle.
    vehicle_idthe id of the desired vehicle
    returns{ "hugo": { "obu_id": String, "obu_status": Number, /* see tolling OBU statuses */ "service_status": Number, /* see tolling service statuses */ "balance_status": Number /* see tolling balance statuses */ }, "pltoll": { "obu_id": String, "obu_status": Number, /* see tolling OBU statuses */ "service_status": Number, /* see tolling service statuses */ "balance_status": Number /* see tolling balance statuses */ }, "bgtoll": { "obu_id": String, "obu_status": Number, /* see tolling OBU statuses */ "service_status": Number, /* see tolling service statuses */ "balance_status": Number /* see tolling balance statuses */ } }
    GET /vehicles/{vehicle_id}/temperatures
    This function returns the temperature records of a vehicle that were generated within a specified period of time.
    vehicle_idthe id of the desired vehicle
    defines the beginning of the desired period of time
    defines the end of the desired period of time
    requirestracked vehicles
    notethe interval of time must be less than a year
    returns[ { "temperature_id": Number, "vehicle_id": Number, "moment": String, "temp": Number, "temp2": Number, "temp3": Number, "temp4": Number, "moment": String, "lat": Number, "lng": Number }, ... ]
    GET /fleets/{fleet_id}/vehicles/hourmeters
    This function returns the hourmeters of all the vehicles corresponding to a given fleet, at a certain moment. Odometers can be computed using values from two sources: device (FMS) and dashboard reading.
    fleet_idthe id of the desired fleet, or "mine" for the current user's fleet
    the desired moment (defaults to now if not supplied)
    returnsthe hourmeter for each vehicle
    [ { "vehicle_id": String, "hourmeter": Number, "source": String /* "device", "readings" or null */ }, ... ]
    GET /vehicles/{vehicle_id}/fuel_levels
    This function returns the fuel levels of one vehicle that were received within a specified period of time.
    vehicle_idthe id of the desired vehicle
    defines the beginning of the desired period of time
    defines the end of the desired period of time
    requiresa tracked vehicle
    notethe interval of time must be less than a week
    returns‣ a list with each element a dictionary with the keys: -moment: the moment when the data was read -fuel_level: the amount of fuel available in the tanks (percentage - value between 0.0 and 100.0) -fuel_level_tanks: a list with the remaining fuel level (percentage: see above) for available tanks (the list always has 3 elements, if only one or two tanks are missing, the last element/s will be None)
    [ { "moment": String "fuel_level": Float, "fuel_level_tanks": [] }, ... ]
    ‣ a message with what went wrong if something is not ok
    {"message": String}
    GET /vehicles/journeys/{journey_id}
    This function returns a specific journey
    journey_idthe id of the desired journey
    returns{ "vehicle_id": Number, "journey_id": String, "start": { "moment": String, "lat": Number, "lng": Number }, "stop": { "moment": String, "lat": Number, "lng": Number }, "distance": Number, "idle_duration": Number, "consumption": { "value": Number, "measured": Boolean }, "max_speed": Number, "driver_id": Number, "purpose": String, "journey_code": String }
    POST /vehicles/{vehicle_id}/hourmeters
    This function adds a new hourmeter reading for a vehicle.
    the id of the desired vehicle obtained with a previous get_vehicles call
    the value of the hourmeter
    the moment at which the hourmeter was recorded
    returnsthe message "ok"
    {"message": String}
    GET /vehicles/{vehicle_id}/hourmeter
    This function returns the hourmeter of one or more vehicles at a certain moment. Odometers can be computed using values from two sources: device (FMS) and dashboard reading.
    the id of the desired vehicle or a comma-separated list of ids, obtained with a previous get_vehicles call
    the desired moment (defaults to now if not supplied)
    requirestracked vehicles
    notehourmeters that are not available will be returned as null
    returns‣ a single object if vehicle_id is given
    { "vehicle_id": String, "hourmeter": Number, "source": String /* "device", "readings" or null */ }
    ‣ a list of objects if vehicle_ids is given
    [ { "vehicle_id": String, "hourmeter": Number, "source": String /* "device", "readings" or null */ }, ... ]
    GET /vehicles/computed_route
    This function returns information about route for the specified vehicles and a set of coordinates
    an id or a comma-separated list of ids for the desired vehicle(s)
    the latitude of the final position
    the longitude of the final position
    returnsa list with information for the vehicles
    [ { "vehicle_id": Number, "estimated_distance": Number, "estimated_duration": String, "estimated_time": Number, "estimated_cost": { "total_cost": Number, "currency": String }, "leave_in": Number }, ... ]
    GET /vehicles/{vehicle_id}/rpm
    This function returns the rpm levels of one vehicle that were received within a specified period of time.
    vehicle_idthe id of the desired vehicle
    defines the beginning of the desired period of time
    defines the end of the desired period of time
    requiresa tracked vehicle
    notethe interval of time must be less than a week
    returns‣ a list with rpm levels if everything is ok
    [ { "rpm": Integer, "moment": String }, ... ]
    ‣ a message with what went wrong if something is not ok
    {"message": String}
    GET /vehicles/{vehicle_id}/tickets
    This function returns the tickets of a vehicle that were opened within a specified period of time.
    vehicle_idthe id of the desired vehicle
    defines the beginning of the desired period of time
    defines the end of the desired period of time
    returns[ { "ticket_id": Number, "reporter_id": Number, "responsible_id": Number, "issue": String, "remark": String, "opened_moment": String, "status": Number /* see ticket statuses */ }, ... ]
    POST /vehicles/{vehicle_id}/tickets
    This function creates a ticket for a vehicle.
    vehicle_idthe id of the desired fleet
    the id of the reporter
    the id of the responsible
    the description of the ticket's issue
    an optional textual remark
    returnsthe id of the new ticket
    {"ticket_id": Number}
    PATCH /tickets/{ticket_id}
    This function updates the information of a ticket.
    ticket_idthe id of the desired ticket
    statusNumber /* see ticket statuses */
    GET /fleets/{fleet_id}/users
    This function returns a list of the users corresponding to a given fleet. Company administrators are allowed list all users of their company. Department administrators are allowed to list the users of their department or subdepartments.
    fleet_idthe id of the desired fleet, or "mine" for the current user's fleet
    requiresat least department admin user level
    returnsthe list of users
    [ { "user_id": Number, "username": String, "first_name": String, "last_name": String, "email": String, "phone": String, "timezone": String, "timezone_offset": Number, "units": Number, /* see unit preferences */ "has_2fa": Boolean, "profile_photo": String, /* Full URL */ "level": Number /* see user levels */ }, ... ]
    POST /fleets/{fleet_id}/users
    This function adds a new user to a fleet. The level cannot have a value smaller than the current user's level.
    fleet_idthe id of the desired fleet, or "mine" for the current user's fleet
    unitsNumber /* see unit preferences */
    profile_photoString /* data URI */
    levelNumber /* see user levels */
    if set to true will send email with credentials to the created user if email address specified
    language ISO code
    requiresat least department admin user level
    returnsthe id of the new user
    {"user_id": Number}
    GET /users
    This function returns a list of all users accessible to the current user. Company administrators are allowed list all users of their company. Department administrators are allowed to list the users of their department or subdepartments.
    requiresat least department admin user level
    returnsthe list of users
    [ { "user_id": Number, "username": String, "first_name": String, "last_name": String, "email": String, "phone": String, "timezone": String, "timezone_offset": Number, "units": Number, /* see unit preferences */ "has_2fa": Boolean, "profile_photo": String, /* Full URL */ "level": Number /* see user levels */ }, ... ]
    GET /users/{user_id}
    This function returns detailed information about a user. All users are allowed to obtain information about any of the users of their company, provided they know the id.
    user_idthe id of the desired user, or "me" for the current user
    returns{ "user_id": Number, "username": String, "first_name": String, "last_name": String, "email": String, "phone": String, "timezone": String, "timezone_offset": Number, "units": Number, /* see unit preferences */ "has_2fa": Boolean, "profile_photo": String, /* Full URL */ "level": Number /* see user levels */ }
    PATCH /users/{user_id}
    This function updates the information of a user. Company administrators are allowed to update other users of their company. Department administrators are allowed to update other users of their department or subdepartments. The level cannot have a value smaller than the current user's level.
    user_idthe id of the desired user, or "me" for the current user
    unitsNumber /* see unit preferences */
    profile_photoString /* data URI */
    levelNumber /* see user levels */
    DELETE /users/{user_id}
    This function deletes a user.
    user_idthe id of the desired user
    requiresat least department admin user level
    GET /users/{user_id}/notification_prefs
    This function returns the notification preferences of a user. These notification preferences include the types of notifications, the events for which notifications are sent.
    user_idthe id of the desired user, or "me" for the current user
    notethe number associated to the expiry attributes is the number of days to notify in advance (1, 7 or 30)
    returns{ "user_id": Number, "events": { event type: { /* see event types */ "online": Boolean, "email": Boolean, "sms": Boolean }, ... }, "expiry": { attribute name: Number, /* see common attributes, the Date attributes */ ... } }
    PATCH /users/{user_id}/notification_prefs
    This function updates the notifications preferences of a user. Company administrators are allowed to update other users of their company. Department administrators are allowed to update other users of their department or subdepartments.
    user_idthe id of the desired user, or "me" for the current user
    events{ event type: { /* see event types */ "online": Boolean, "email": Boolean, "sms": Boolean }, ... }
    expiry{ attribute name: Number, /* see common attributes, the Date attributes */ ... }
    notethe number associated to the expiry attributes is the number of days to notify in advance (1, 7 or 30)
    GET /users/{user_id}/geofence_prefs
    This function returns the geofence preferences of a user. These geofence preferences are in fact the tracks and regions of interest that the user wishes to use as geofences, in association with one or more vehicles (see geofence events in event types).
    user_idthe id of the desired user, or "me" for the current user
    seeusers, tracks, regions of interest
    note‣ a "vehicle_id": 0 signifies any vehicle, a "roi_id": 0 signifies any region of interest and "track_id": 0 signifies any track
    ‣ one of roi_id and track_id is set and the other one is null, indicating the type of geofence
    returns{ "user_id": Number, "geofences": [ { "vehicle_id": Number, "roi_id": Number, "track_id": Number }, ... ] }
    PATCH /users/{user_id}/geofence_prefs
    This function updates the geofence preferences of a user. Company administrators are allowed to update other users of their company. Department administrators are allowed to update other users of their department or subdepartments.
    user_idthe id of the desired user, or "me" for the current user
    geofences[ { "vehicle_id": Number, "roi_id": Number, "track_id": Number }, ... ]
    seeusers, tracks, regions of interest
    note‣ a "vehicle_id": 0 signifies any vehicle, a "roi_id": 0 signifies any region of interest and "track_id": 0 signifies any track
    ‣ one of roi_id and track_id must be set and the other one must be null, indicating the type of geofence
    PATCH /users/{user_id}/password
    This function updates the password of the current user. Only the current user's password can be updated. If token is given, it is expected to be a token from password reset initialization routine. At least one of old_password and token must be supplied.
    user_idalways "me"
    POST /users/reset_password
    This function performs the password reset procedure for the user with the given password.
    GET /fleets/{fleet_id}/drivers
    This function returns a list of the drivers corresponding to a given fleet.
    fleet_idthe id of the desired fleet, or "mine" for the current user's fleet
    notetacho field will be null if tachograph information is not available
    returnsthe list of drivers
    [ { "driver_id": Number, "name": String, "email": String, "phone": String, "personal_identification": String, "key_code": String, "driver_code": String, "active": Boolean, "fcm_id": String, "tacho": { "state": Number, /* see tacho states */ "time_driven_since_short_break": Number, "time_driven_since_long_rest": Number, "leave_in": Number, "next_short_break_in": Number, "next_long_rest_in": Number } }, ... ]
    POST /fleets/{fleet_id}/drivers
    This function adds a new driver to a fleet.
    fleet_idthe id of the desired fleet, or "mine" for the current user's fleet
    day_shift{ "mon": { "from_hour": Number, "from_minute": Number, "to_hour": Number, "to_minute": Number }, ..., "sun": { "from_hour": Number, 'from_minute": Number, 'to_hour": Number, "to_minute": Number } }
    returnsthe id of the new driver
    {"driver_id": Number}
    GET /fleets/{fleet_id}/drivers/attributes
    This function returns the attributes of all the drivers corresponding to a given fleet.
    fleet_idthe id of the desired fleet, or "mine" for the current user's fleet
    returnsthe list of attributes for each driver
    [ { "driver_id": String, "attributes": [ { "name": String, "slug": String, "type": Number, /* see attribute types */ "value": Number|Boolean|String }, ... ] }, ... ]
    GET /drivers
    This function returns a list of the drivers visible to the current user.
    notetacho field will be null if tachograph information is not available
    returnsthe list of drivers
    [ { "driver_id": Number, "name": String, "email": String, "phone": String, "personal_identification": String, "key_code": String, "driver_code": String, "active": Boolean, "fcm_id": String, "tacho": { "state": Number, /* see tacho states */ "time_driven_since_short_break": Number, "time_driven_since_long_rest": Number, "leave_in": Number, "next_short_break_in": Number, "next_long_rest_in": Number } }, ... ]
    GET /drivers/{driver_id}
    This function returns detailed information about a driver.
    driver_idthe id of the desired driver
    notetacho field will be null if tachograph information is not available
    returns{ "driver_id": Number, "name": String, "email": String, "phone": String, "personal_identification": String, "key_code": String, "driver_code": String, "ds_timezone": String, "day_shift": { "mon": { "from_hour": Number, "from_minute": Number, "to_hour": Number, "to_minute": Number }, ..., "sun": { "from_hour": Number, "from_minute": Number, "to_hour": Number, "to_minute": Number } }, "active": Boolean, "fcm_id": String, "tacho": { "state": Number, /* see tacho states */ "time_driven_since_short_break": Number, "time_driven_since_long_rest": Number, "leave_in": Number, "next_short_break_in": Number, "next_long_rest_in": Number } }
    PATCH /drivers/{driver_id}
    This function updates the information of a driver.
    driver_idthe id of the desired driver
    day_shift{ "mon": { "from_hour": Number, "from_minute": Number, "to_hour": Number, "to_minute": Number }, ..., "sun": { "from_hour": Number, 'from_minute": Number, 'to_hour": Number, "to_minute": Number } }
    DELETE /drivers/{driver_id}
    This function deletes a driver.
    driver_idthe id of the desired driver
    PATCH /drivers/{driver_id}/attributes/{slug}
    This function sets the value of a driver attribute.
    driver_idthe id of the desired driver
    the slug (simplified name) of the attribute
    the new value of the attribute
    GET /drivers/{driver_id}/attributes
    This function returns the attributes of a driver.
    driver_idthe id of the desired driver
    returns[ { "slug": String, "name": String, "type": Number, /* see attribute types */ "value": Number|Boolean|String }, ... ]
    GET /companies/{company_id}/driver_groups
    This function returns a list of the driver groups corresponding to a given company.
    company_idthe id of the desired company, or "mine" for the current user's company
    seedriver groups
    requiresat least company administrator user level
    returnsthe list of driver groups
    [ { "driver_group_id": Number, "name": String, "driver_ids": [Number] }, ... ]
    POST /companies/{company_id}/driver_groups
    This function adds a new driver group to a company.
    company_idthe id of the desired company, or "mine" for the current user's company
    seedriver groups
    requiresat least company administrator user level
    returnsthe id of the new driver group
    {"driver_group_id": Number}
    GET /driver_groups
    This function returns a list of the driver groups accessible to the current user.
    seedriver groups
    requiresat least company administrator user level
    returnsthe list of driver groups
    [ { "driver_group_id": Number, "name": String, "driver_ids": [Number] }, ... ]
    GET /driver_groups/{driver_group_id}
    This function returns detailed information about a driver group.
    driver_group_idthe id of the desired driver group
    seedriver groups
    requiresat least company administrator user level
    returns{ "driver_group_id": Number, "name": String, "driver_ids": [Number] }
    PATCH /driver_groups/{driver_group_id}
    This function updates the information of a driver group.
    driver_group_idthe id of the desired driver group
    seedriver groups
    requiresat least company administrator user level
    DELETE /driver_groups/{driver_group_id}
    This function deletes a driver group.
    driver_group_idthe id of the desired driver group
    seedriver groups
    requiresat least company administrator user level
    GET /fleets/{fleet_id}/pois
    This function returns a list of the points of interest corresponding to a given fleet.
    fleet_idthe id of the desired fleet, or "mine" for the current user's fleet
    seepoints of interest
    returnsthe list of POIs
    [ { "poi_id": Number, "name": String, "category": String, "comment": String, "business": Boolean, "visible_upwards": Boolean, "visible_downwards": Boolean, "lat": Number, "lng": Number, "delta_lat": Number, "delta_lng": Number, "address": { "country": String, "county": String, "city": String, "street": String, "number": String, "postal_code": String, "phone": String, "email": String } }, ... ]
    POST /fleets/{fleet_id}/pois
    This function adds a new point of interest to a fleet.
    fleet_idthe id of the desired fleet, or "mine" for the current user's fleet
    address{ "country": String, "county": String, "city": String, "street": String, "number": String, "postal_code": String, "phone": String, "email": String }
    seepoints of interest
    returnsthe id of the new point of interest
    {"poi_id": Number}
    GET /pois
    This function returns a list of the points of interest accessible to the current user.
    seepoints of interest
    returnsthe list of POIs
    [ { "poi_id": Number, "name": String, "category": String, "comment": String, "business": Boolean, "visible_upwards": Boolean, "visible_downwards": Boolean, "lat": Number, "lng": Number, "delta_lat": Number, "delta_lng": Number, "address": { "country": String, "county": String, "city": String, "street": String, "number": String, "postal_code": String, "phone": String, "email": String } }, ... ]
    GET /pois/{poi_id}
    This function returns detailed information about a point of interest.
    poi_idthe id of the desired point of interest
    seepoints of interest
    returns{ "poi_id": Number, "name": String, "category": String, "comment": String, "business": Boolean, "visible_upwards": Boolean, "visible_downwards": Boolean, "lat": Number, "lng": Number, "delta_lat": Number, "delta_lng": Number, "address": { "country": String, "county": String, "city": String, "street": String, "number": String, "postal_code": String, "phone": String, "email": String } }
    PATCH /pois/{poi_id}
    This function updates the information of a point of interest.
    poi_idthe id of the desired point of interest
    address{ "country": String, "county": String, "city": String, "street": String, "number": String, "postal_code": String, "phone": String, "email": String }
    seepoints of interest
    DELETE /pois/{poi_id}
    This function deletes a point of interest.
    poi_idthe id of the desired point of interest
    seepoints of interest
    GET /pois/public
    This function returns a list of the public points of interest.
    seepoints of interest
    returnsthe list of public POIs
    [ { "poi_id": Number, "name": String, "category": String, "comment": String, "business": Boolean, "lat": Number, "lng": Number, "delta_lat": Number, "delta_lng": Number, "address": { "country": String, "county": String, "city": String, "street": String, "number": String, "postal_code": String, "phone": String, "email": String } }, ... ]
    POST /pois/public
    This function adds a new public point of interest.
    address{ "country": String, "county": String, "city": String, "street": String, "number": String, "postal_code": String, "phone": String, "email": String }
    seepoints of interest
    requiresat least SafeFleet administrator user level
    returnsthe id of the new point of interest
    {"poi_id": Number}
    GET /fleets/{fleet_id}/rois
    This function returns a list of the regions of interest corresponding to a given fleet.
    fleet_idthe id of the desired fleet, or "mine" for the current user's fleet
    seeregions of interest
    returnsthe list of ROIs
    [ { "roi_id": Number, "name": String, "category": String, "visible_upwards": Boolean, "visible_downwards": Boolean, "polygon": [ { "lat": Number, "lng": Number }, ... ] }, ... ]
    POST /fleets/{fleet_id}/rois
    This function adds a new region of interest to a fleet.
    fleet_idthe id of the desired fleet, or "mine" for the current user's fleet
    polygon[ { "lat": Number, "lng": Number }, ... ]
    seeregions of interest
    returnsthe id of the new region of interest
    {"roi_id": Number}
    GET /rois
    This function returns a list of the regions of interest accessible to the current user.
    seeregions of interest
    returnsthe list of ROIs
    [ { "roi_id": Number, "name": String, "category": String, "visible_upwards": Boolean, "visible_downwards": Boolean, "polygon": [ { "lat": Number, "lng": Number }, ... ] }, ... ]
    GET /rois/{roi_id}
    This function returns detailed information about a region of interest.
    roi_idthe id of the desired region of interest
    seeregions of interest
    returns{ "roi_id": Number, "name": String, "category": String, "visible_upwards": Boolean, "visible_downwards": Boolean, "polygon": [ { "lat": Number, "lng": Number }, ... ] }
    PATCH /rois/{roi_id}
    This function updates the information of a region of interest.
    roi_idthe id of the desired region of interest
    polygon[ { "lat": Number, "lng": Number }, ... ]
    seeregions of interest
    DELETE /rois/{roi_id}
    This function deletes a region of interest.
    roi_idthe id of the desired region of interest
    seeregions of interest
    GET /rois/public
    This function returns a list of the public regions of interest.
    seeregions of interest
    returnsthe list of public ROIs
    [ { "roi_id": Number, "name": String, "category": String, "polygon": [ { "lat": Number, "lng": Number }, ... ] }, ... ]
    POST /rois/public
    This function adds a new public region of interest to a fleet.
    polygon[ { "lat": Number, "lng": Number }, ... ]
    seeregions of interest
    requiresat least SafeFleet administrator user level
    returnsthe id of the new region of interest
    {"roi_id": Number}
    GET /fleets/{fleet_id}/tracks
    This function returns a list of the tracks corresponding to a given fleet.
    fleet_idthe id of the desired fleet, or "mine" for the current user's fleet
    if true, will include tracks used as navigation jobs; defaults to false
    returnsthe list of tracks
    [ { "track_id": Number, "name": String, "geofence": Boolean, "visible_upwards": Boolean, "visible_downwards": Boolean, "pois": [ { "poi_id": Number, "order": Number, "lat": Number, "lng": Number }, ... ], "way_points": [ { "order": Number, "lat": Number, "lng": Number }, ... ] }, ... ]
    POST /fleets/{fleet_id}/tracks
    This function adds a new track to a fleet.
    fleet_idthe id of the desired fleet, or "mine" for the current user's fleet
    pois[ { "poi_id": Number, "order": Number }, ... ]
    way_points[ { "order": Number, "lat": Number, "lng": Number }, ... ]
    returnsthe id of the new track
    {"track_id": Number}
    GET /tracks
    This function returns a list of the tracks visible to the current user.
    if true, will include tracks used as navigation jobs; defaults to false
    returnsthe list of tracks
    [ { "track_id": Number, "name": String, "geofence": Boolean, "visible_upwards": Boolean, "visible_downwards": Boolean, "pois": [ { "poi_id": Number, "order": Number, "lat": Number, "lng": Number }, ... ], "way_points": [ { "order": Number, "lat": Number, "lng": Number }, ... ] }, ... ]
    GET /tracks/{track_id}
    This function returns detailed information about a track.
    track_idthe id of the desired track
    returns{ "track_id": Number, "name": String, "geofence": Boolean, "visible_upwards": Boolean, "visible_downwards": Boolean, "pois": [ { "poi_id": Number, "order": Number, "lat": Number, "lng": Number }, ... ], "way_points": [ { "order": Number, "lat": Number, "lng": Number }, ... ] }
    PATCH /tracks/{track_id}
    This function updates the information of a track.
    track_idthe id of the desired track
    pois[ { "poi_id": Number, "order": Number }, ... ]
    way_points[ { "order": Number, "lat": Number, "lng": Number }, ... ]
    DELETE /tracks/{track_id}
    This function deletes a track.
    track_idthe id of the desired track
    GET /fleets/{fleet_id}/navig_jobs
    This function returns a list of the navigation jobs corresponding to a given fleet, that were created within a given period of time.
    fleet_idthe id of the desired fleet, or "mine" for the current user's fleet
    defines the beginning of the desired period of time
    defines the end of the desired period of time
    seenavigation jobs
    returnsthe list of navigation jobs
    [ { "navig_job_id": Number, "name": String, "message": String, "remark": String, "lat": Number, "lng": Number, "vehicle_id": Number, "created": String, "start": String, "due": String, "state": Number, /* see navigation job states */ "poi_id": Number, "address": { "country": String, "county": String, "city": String, "street": String, "number": String, "postal_code": String, "phone": String, "email": String } }, ... ]
    POST /fleets/{fleet_id}/navig_jobs
    This function creates a new navigation job in a fleet.
    fleet_idthe id of the desired fleet, or "mine" for the current user's fleet
    address{ "country": String, "county": String, "city": String, "street": String, "number": String, "postal_code": String, "phone": String, "email": String }
    seenavigation jobs
    note‣ the state of the new job is always set to New; see navigation job states for the available states
    ‣ if poi_id is given, the job will be associated with that POI and the following fields will be ignored: name, address, lat and lng
    ‣ if track_id is given, the job will be associated with that track and the following fields will be ignored: name, lat and lng
    returnsthe id of the new navigation job
    {"navig_job_id": Number}
    GET /navig_jobs
    This function returns a list of the navigation jobs that are accessible to the current user, that were created within a given period of time.
    defines the beginning of the desired period of time
    defines the end of the desired period of time
    seenavigation jobs
    returnsthe list of navigation jobs
    [ { "navig_job_id": Number, "name": String, "message": String, "remark": String, "lat": Number, "lng": Number, "vehicle_id": Number, "created": String, "start": String, "due": String, "state": Number, /* see navigation job states */ "poi_id": Number, "address": { "country": String, "county": String, "city": String, "street": String, "number": String, "postal_code": String, "phone": String, "email": String } }, ... ]
    GET /navig_jobs/{navig_job_id}
    This function returns detailed information about a navigation job.
    navig_job_idthe id of the desired navigation job
    seenavigation jobs
    returns{ "navig_job_id": Number, "name": String, "message": String, "remark": String, "lat": Number, "lng": Number, "vehicle_id": Number, "created": String, "start": String, "due": String, "state": Number, /* see navigation job states */ "poi_id": Number, "address": { "country": String, "county": String, "city": String, "street": String, "number": String, "postal_code": String, "phone": String, "email": String } }
    PATCH /navig_jobs/{navig_job_id}
    This function updates the information of a navigation job.
    navig_job_idthe id of the desired navigation job
    address{ "country": String, "county": String, "city": String, "street": String, "number": String, "postal_code": String, "phone": String, "email": String }
    seenavigation jobs
    note‣ if the job is associated to a point of interest, then its name, address and location will be updated with the supplied values
    ‣ a job cannot be modified unless it is New, Rejected, Cancelled or Completed; see navigation job states for the available states
    DELETE /navig_jobs/{navig_job_id}
    This function deletes a navigation job.
    navig_job_idthe id of the desired navigation job
    seenavigation jobs
    GET /fleets/{fleet_id}/carpool_reservations
    This function returns a list of the carpool reservations corresponding to a given fleet, that were created within a given period of time.
    fleet_idthe id of the desired fleet, or "mine" for the current user's fleet
    defines the beginning of the desired period of time
    defines the end of the desired period of time
    Use created moment instead of start/stop moments
    seecarpool reservations
    returnsthe list of carpool reservations
    [ { "carpool_reservation_id": Number, "vehicle_id": Number, "user_id": Number, "created": String, "start": String, "stop": String, "cancelled": Boolean, "remark": String }, ... ]
    POST /vehicles/{vehicle_id}/carpool_reservations
    This function creates a new carpool reservation for a given vehicle. If no user_id is supplied, the current user will be assumed.
    vehicle_idthe id of the desired vehicle
    seecarpool reservations
    returnsthe id of the new carpool reservation
    {"carpool_reservation_id": Number}
    GET /carpool_reservations
    This function returns a list of the carpool reservations accessible to the current user, that were created within a given period of time.
    defines the beginning of the desired period of time
    defines the end of the desired period of time
    Use created moment instead of start/stop moments
    seecarpool reservations
    returnsthe list of carpool reservations
    [ { "carpool_reservation_id": Number, "vehicle_id": Number, "user_id": Number, "created": String, "start": String, "stop": String, "cancelled": Boolean, "remark": String }, ... ]
    GET /carpool_reservations/{carpool_reservation_id}
    This function returns detailed information about a carpool reservation.
    carpool_reservation_idthe id of the desired carpool reservation
    seecarpool reservations
    returns{ "carpool_reservation_id": Number, "vehicle_id": Number, "user_id": Number, "created": String, "start": String, "stop": String, "cancelled": Boolean, "remark": String }
    PATCH /carpool_reservations/{carpool_reservation_id}
    This function updates the information of a carpool reservation.
    carpool_reservation_idthe id of the desired carpool reservation
    seecarpool reservations
    GET /fleets/{fleet_id}/vehicles/documents
    This function returns the documents of all the vehicles corresponding to a given fleet, within a given period of time.
    fleet_idthe id of the desired fleet, or "mine" for the current user's fleet
    defines the beginning of the desired period of time
    defines the end of the desired period of time
    returnsthe list of fuelings for each vehicle
    [ { "vehicle_id": String, "documents": [ { "document_id": String, "moment": String, "content_type": String, "name": String }, ... ] }, ... ]
    GET /vehicles/{vehicle_id}/documents
    This function returns the documents of a vehicle, within a specified period of time.
    vehicle_idthe id of the desired vehicle
    defines the beginning of the desired period of time
    defines the end of the desired period of time
    notethe interval of time must be less than a year
    returns[ { "document_id": String, "moment": String, "content_type": String, "name": String }, ... ]
    POST /vehicles/{vehicle_id}/documents
    This function adds a document to a vehicle.
    vehicle_idthe id of the desired vehicle
    the document name
    document moment (defaults to now)
    the document content type (e.g. image/jpeg)
    base64-encoded content
    notemaximum allowed document size is 10MB
    GET /documents/{document_id}
    This function returns the details of a document.
    document_idthe id of the desired document
    returns{ "document_id": String, "vehicle_id": Number, "moment": String, "name": String "content_type": String, "content": String /* base64-encoded */ }
    DELETE /documents/{document_id}
    This function deletes a document.
    document_idthe id of the desired document
    GET /flavours
    This function return the available functionality flavours.
    requiresat least SafeFleet administrator user level
    returnsthe list of flavours
    { "flavour1": { "title": String, "func1": any, ... }, ... }
    GET /lookup_position
    This function performs a position lookup for a (lat, lng) pair. First, a search through all the points of interest accessible to the current user is done. Then, if no point of interest matched, a reverse geocoding is performed. If you need to look up more than one position, use lookup_positions instead.
    the latitude of the position
    the longitude of the position
    set this to true to force the return of a reverse-geocoded address, ignoring all POIs
    the language code (e.g. en-us)
    noteeither the point of interest is returned or the found address, never both; however both the point of interest and the address may be null
    returnsthe "resolved" position
    { "display_name": String, "poi": { "poi_id": Number, "name": String, "category": String, "comment": String, "business": Boolean, "visible_upwards": Boolean, "visible_downwards": Boolean, "lat": Number, "lng": Number, "delta_lat": Number, "delta_lng": Number, "address": { "country": String, "county": String, "city": String, "street": String, "number": String, "postal_code": String, "phone": String, "email": String } }, "address": { "lat": Number, "lng": Number, "country": String, "state": String, "county": String, "city": String, "street": String, "number": String, "postal_code": String } }
    POST /lookup_positions
    This function performs a lookup for multiple positions made of (lat, lng) pairs. First, a search through all the points of interest accessible to the current user is done. Then, if no point of interest matched, a reverse geocoding is performed.
    lat_lngs[ { "lat": Number, "lng": Number }, ... ]
    the list of positions
    set this to true to force the return of a reverse-geocoded address, ignoring all POIs
    the language code (e.g. en-us)
    note‣ the list of coordinates must not be larger than 1000 elements
    ‣ either the point of interest is returned or the found address, never both; however both the point of interest and the address may be null
    returnsthe list of "resolved" positions, in respective order
    [ { "display_name": String, "poi": { "poi_id": Number, "name": String, "category": String, "comment": String, "business": Boolean, "visible_upwards": Boolean, "visible_downwards": Boolean, "lat": Number, "lng": Number, "delta_lat": Number, "delta_lng": Number, "address": { "country": String, "county": String, "city": String, "street": String, "number": String, "postal_code": String, "phone": String, "email": String } }, "address": { "lat": Number, "lng": Number, "country": String "state": String,, "county": String, "city": String, "street": String, "number": String, "postal_code": String } }, ... ]
  9. Tables Of Constants
  10. Company Types
    Company TypeDescription
    "self_employed"Self-employed Individual
    "ngo"Non-governmental Organization
    Activity Types
    Activity TypeDescription
    "international_transport"International Transport
    "mining_quarrying"Heavy Industry
    "domestic_transport"Domestic Transport
    "civil_engineering"Civil Engineering & Constructions
    "banks_insurance"Banks & Insurance
    "public_utilities"Public Utilities
    "rent_a_car"Leasing & Rent-a-car
    "real_estate"Real Estate
    "public_administration_defense"Public Administration & Defense
    "science_education"Science & Education
    "arts_entertainment"Arts & Entertainment
    "extraterritorial_organizations_bodies"Extraterritorial Organizations & Bodies
    Vehicle Types
    Vehicle TypeDescription
    6Personal Tracker
    Vehicle Map Colors
    Vehicle Map ColorDescription
    "r"Light Green
    "e"Light Red
    "b"Light Blue
    "n"Dark Green
    "d"Dark Red
    "l"Dark Blue
    Vehicle Map Sizes
    Vehicle Map SizeDescription
    Vehicle Statuses
    Vehicle StatusDescription
    0Engine Off
    1Engine On
    User Levels
    User LevelDescription
    1Site Administrator
    2SafeFleet Administrator
    3Company Administrator
    4Department Administrator
    5Department Member
    Unit Preferences
    Event Types
    Event TypeDescription
    "harsh_acceleration"Harsh Acceleration
    "harsh_brake"Harsh Brake
    "harsh_cornering"Harsh Cornering
    "no_gps_signal"No GPS Signal
    "no_gsm_signal"No GSM Signal
    "geofence_entered"Geofence Entered
    "geofence_left"Geofence Left
    "driver_id_enable"Driver Authentication Enabled
    "driver_id_disable"Driver Authentication Disabled
    "no_driver_id"No Driver Key
    "imob_off"Immobilizer Off
    "imob_on"Immobilizer On
    "no_external_power"No External Power
    "external_power_reconnected"External Power Reconnected
    "low_external_battery"Low External Battery
    "external_battery_charging"External Battery Charging
    "device_sabotage"Device Sabotage
    "unauthorized_door_opening"Unauthorized Door Opening
    "unauthorized_tractor_unit_detachment"Unauthorized Tractor Unit Detachment
    "unauthorized_tractor_unit_attachment"Unauthorized Tractor Unit Attachment
    "authorized_tractor_unit_detachment"Authorized Tractor Unit Detachment
    "authorized_tractor_unit_attachment"Authorized Tractor Unit Attachment
    "gprs_traffic_enable"GPRS Traffic Enabled
    "gprs_traffic_disable"GPRS Traffic Disabled
    "emergency_mode"Emergency Mode
    Input IDs
    Input IDDescription
    4Pressure Pump
    5Vacuum Pump
    6Tractor Unit
    7Device Sabotage
    8Fuel Pump
    9Tank Cap
    Attribute Types
    Attribute TypeDescription
    Common Vehicle Attributes
    Attribute NameType
    "Mandatory Insurance Agency"Text
    "Mandatory Insurance Agency Branch"Text
    "Mandatory Insurance Expiry Date"Date
    "Full Insurance Agency"Text
    "Full Insurance Agency Branch"Text
    "Full Insurance Expiry Date"Date
    "Vignette Expiry Date"Date
    "Leasing Expiry Date"Date
    "Technical Inspection Expiry Date"Date
    "Service At"Number
    "Last Service Date"Date
    "Oil Replacement At"Number
    "Last Oil Replacement Date"Date
    "Winter Tires Replacement At"Number
    "Last Winter Tires Replacement Date"Date
    "Summer Tires Replacement At"Number
    "Last Summer Tires Replacement Date"Date
    "Stationary Consumption"Number
    "Average Consumption"Number
    "Engine Displacement"Number
    "Tank Capacity"Number
    "Fuel Type"Text
    "Maximum Allowed Weight"Number
    "Passenger Places"Number
    Fuel Types
    Fuel TypeDescription
    2Waiting For Execution
    4Heading To
    Device Settings
    Setting NameDescriptionType
    "abs_odom_factor"the correction factor constant for the dashboard odometerNumber
    "abs_odom_offs"the offset constant for the dashboard odometerNumber
    "abs_odom_prefer"true when the distance is computed from dashboard odometer,
    false when GPS odometer is used
    "driver_auth"empty string or null when driver authentication is disabled,
    "*" when any supplied driver key is accepted,
    driver group id when only a specific group of drivers are accepted
    "idling_threshold"the interval after which an idling event is generated, in secondsNumber
    "immobilizer"the state of the immobilizer relayBoolean
    "overspeeding_threshold"the speed above which an overspeeding event is generated, in km/hNumber
    "temp1_hyst" ... "temp4_hyst"the temperature hysteresis threshold, in ° CNumber
    "temp1_max" ... "temp4_max"the upper limit of the valid temperature interval, in ° CNumber
    "temp1_min" ... "temp4_min"the lower limit of the valid temperature interval, in ° CNumber
    "tracking"the tracking stateBoolean
    Ticket Statuses
    Tacho States
    Tolling OBU Statuses
    1Not Registered
    6Other Error
    Tolling Service Statuses
    1Not Registered
    3Other Error
    Tolling Balance Statuses
  11. Example
  12. The example described here fetches the list of all the vehicles accessible to the current user. It picks one of the vehicles and obtains detailed information about it. Then, the name and the working schedule of this vehicle are updated.
    HTTP Messages
    (a) The (unauthenticated) client tries to get list of vehicles. The API asks for authentication:
    GET /vehicles
    GET /safefleet/api/vehicles HTTP/1.1
    403 Forbidden
    HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
    Content-Type: application/json
    {"message": "authentication required"}
    (b) The client authenticates. The server sends a cookie with the session id:
    POST /authenticate
    POST /safefleet/api/authenticate HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    {"username": "test", "password": "1234"}
    200 OK
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
    Set-Cookie: sessionid=4ce508d20832d12a64fd49ecb336a7b6
    {"message": "ok"}
    (c) The client reissues the GET /vehicles request, this time with the session id cookie. The server replies with the vehicles:
    GET /vehicles
    GET /safefleet/api/vehicles HTTP/1.1
    Cookie: sessionid=4ce508d20832d12a64fd49ecb336a7b6
    200 OK
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
    [ {"vehicle_id": 1234, "name": "Vehicle A", ...}, {"vehicle_id": 2345, "name": "Vehicle B", ...} ... ]
    (d) The client updates the name and the working schedule of the vehicle. The server simply answers with a 204 No Content:
    PATCH /vehicles/{id}
    PATCH /safefleet/api/vehicles/1234 HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Cookie: sessionid=4ce508d20832d12a64fd49ecb336a7b6
    { "name": "My Vehicle", "working_schedule": { "mon": { "from_minute": 0, "to_minute": 0, "from_hour": 8, "to_hour": 18 }, ..., "fri": { "from_minute": 0, "to_minute": 0, "from_hour": 8, "to_hour": 18 } } }
    204 No Content
    HTTP/1.1 204 No Content